Nurse Practitioner – CNPA Greenbelt


The Nurse Practitioner works independently with collaborative supervision using intuitive skills when problem solving in complex clinical situations.He/She demonstrates a highly skilled analytical ability in novel circumstances. He/She is credentialed to function in an expanded nursing role. He/sheis responsible for assessment and management of patients, including diagnostic and therapeutic interventions and the implementation and evaluationof an appropriate plan of care. All activities are performed within the guidelines of protocols agreed upon by the Medical Director and under medical supervision. He/She participates in clinical research and/or the utilization of its results. He/She is involved in multidisciplinary consultation for the delivery of patient care. All nursing practice is based on the legal scope of practice, ***** and specialty nursing standards, CNH Policies and Procedures, and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The Professional Model of Care requires registered professional nurses to be responsible and accountable for their own practice. CNH supports the development of RN relationships within the community; specifically, those relationships associated with the health and well being of the community at large.

Roles Responsibility
Assess individual patient clinical status, Gather and maintain patient medical records, Develop and implement individualized plans of care, Perform minor procedures, Independently prescribe legend drugs, Provide clinical expertise, Serve as a role model in clinical practice, Direct management of patient in emergency situations, Enhance professional nursing, Participate in professional organizations, Act as a consultant, Manage conflict, Organize workload, Monitor and document effectiveness of patient care, Assess learning needs of the patient and family, Disseminate information pertaining to research, Participate in NP role development
Desired Qualification
MSN Master of Science in Nursing
Full Time
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