Healthcare Staffing and Job Search Made Simple
Get access to a large Nurse Database.
JobGraze is your dedicated Nursing Job Site.
JobGraze empowers you to earn more and learn more.
Are you feeling burned out? Choose when you want to work.
Permanent jobs in the U.S. are waiting for you.
JobGraze is a community created by nurses and physicians.
JobGraze has thousands of international nurse candidates.
Skip the multiple interviews, shorten the hiring process.
Has the nursing shortage affected your patient care services?
Your nurse hiring solution is just a few clicks away!
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Why JobGraze?
Are you looking to hire or looking to get hired? JobGraze
has your back with advanced AI-based technology.
No more hiring silos
No more hiring silos
Get sponsored for travel international permanent jobs
Automation, powered by AI
Automation, powered by AI
Get matched with the most qualified candidates for the job
Hire local and International candidates
Hire International candidates
Candidates anywhere can get hired by U.S. employers
Easy-To-Use Platform For Hiring Professionals
Easy-to-Use Platform for
Healthcare Professionals
Nationwide Listings!
  • Create your FREE professional profile
  • Get hiring sponsorship requests from employers
  • Accept the employer’s offer
Everything Recruiters
Need, All In One Place
Gain access to our robust international nurse database
period Hire for permanent jobs
  • Post your job
  • Filter from pre-verified candidates
  • Book candidate
How To Get Started?

Boost your nursing career! Just sign up and start browsing
to find the best job opportunities for you.

As one of America's best job sites for nurses and a leading medical staffing platform, we've made the process simple and user-friendly. Here's how to get started in three easy steps:

Sign Up and Complete Your Profile
Register and provide detailed information to enhance your profile.
Log In to Explore
Access our platform, log in, and start searching for jobs. Check out pay packages and facility details to make informed decisions.
Favorite and Connect
Show your interest by favoring jobs. Employers will be notified and reach out to you.
Building your nurse career is as easy as 1-2-3 with us.
Sign up today and take the first step toward exciting opportunities!
Matching Tool

Our modern technology quickly identifies the most
qualified candidates for the right job.

AI-Powered Matching Tool
Free Advanced Mobile App for Candidates
  • Free registration for all candidates.
  • Every 50th candidate Profile completed will receive a free set of JobGraze scrubs.
  • Take charge of your career: set your availability and hourly rate.
  • Advanced search filters allow you to narrow down job listings to fit your specific criteria.
  • Get access to resources and a community to empower your career.
  • International candidate? You can connect directly with U.S. employers.
Free Advance Mobile App for Candidate
Turn Great Candidates
Into New Employees

The hiring process doesn’t have to be drawn out. Shorten the process and increase retention with our advanced algorithms. As a specialized nursing job board, JobGraze is committed to assisting organizations in overcoming staffing shortages while connecting jobseekers with the right opportunity.

Turn Great Candidates Into New Employees
How Does JobGraze Work For
International Candidates?
How Does JobGraze Work For International Candidates?

JobGraze understands the challenges of leaving behind your family and homeland. Our executives have personally experienced it, and we are here to support you on your journey towards international employment. Our experienced team specializes in healthcare hiring and is committed to assisting you every step of the way. From guiding you through the application requirements to offering cultural integration support, we ensure a seamless transition to your new workplace and will continue to support you throughout your career.

We’re committed to helping you find the perfect international opportunity that aligns with your aspirations and fosters your professional growth, all while ensuring your safety and protecting you from exploitation. Let’s make your dream of working abroad a reality!

Recent Nurse Jobs
Wound/Ostomy RN
Part Time
United States, Phoenix, AZ, 70163
Wound/Ostomy Registered Nurse II Full Time Float Pool
Full Time
United States, Phoenix, AZ, 85054
Wound Clinic OP RN PD’s
United States, Scottsdale, AZ, 70764