How to Make Your Nursing Resume Stand Out with AI?

How to Make Your Nursing Resume Stand Out with AI

Summary: AI makes it easy by picking out keywords from job descriptions for you to include in your resume. It also saves you time when customizing your resume for different nurse job applications. Plus, AI helps ensure your resume has the right tone to match the job requirements. Lean effective nurse resume tips using AI.

As the technology behind Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to develop, many businesses across industries are making use of the technology to improve the efficiency of certain tasks.  One tedious task that AI is being used to make more efficient is evaluating resumes to screen job applicants.

Platforms that use applicant tracking systems (ATS), such as JobGraze, have incorporated AI technology to help match job applicants with the most relevant available positions, and help those who are hiring quickly screen resumes to find the best candidates.  Under the traditional hiring process, nurses looking for full-time positions may have a difficult time finding jobs that match their specific skills and preferences and those looking for nurses may take a lot of time screening resumes, resulting in slow response times to the applicants.

With the use of ATS, resumes are processed much faster as the AI technology instantly tracks specialties and skills and matches them to the most relevant positions, making it easier for those looking to hire to find the most qualified candidates for specific positions.

So, what does this mean for those looking for nursing jobs

As more applicant tracking systems that incorporate AI are used to screen resumes, it is more important for your resume to include information that can best match you with an open nursing position.  This means that if your resume is not written to be picked up by the ATS, there is a good chance job recruiters will never see it.

In this guide, we will share tips that will help you build a nursing resume that will stand out on applicant tracking systems that use AI to screen applicants. Writing a resume that gets noticed by ATS will help match you to the most relevant positions for your skills and experience and increase your chance of landing a full-time nursing position.

How to Make a Successful Nursing Resume for AI

nurse resume using AI

When crafting your nursing resume, you must keep in mind that you are not just writing it to be read by a human, but also to be screened by AI.  The following tips will help you create a nursing resume that will stand out with AI screening.

Include Keywords

As mentioned in the section above, the ATS technology scans resumes looking for certain keywords and phrases.  When writing your resume, include keywords that are specific to the job position.  It is best to use keywords that match the words used in the job description itself as the AI will likely be screening for those specific words and phrases.  However, do not simply stuff your resume with keywords, use your keywords and phrases naturally within the text.

Using acronyms or other industry jargon may not be picked up by the AI as well as more general phrases.  Try to stay away from using too much jargon and instead choose words and phrases that are easier for anyone to understand.

Leave Out Career Objective Statements

Writing a career objective statement to go with a resume was a common practice, but they are no longer as favored by recruiters.  More resumes are featuring shorter summaries at the beginning that includes a concise outline of skills, career goals, and relevant experiences.

Include your most relevant skills and experiences in your summary and be sure to use keywords that will be picked up by the ATS.  You can also add short bullet points outlining your career goals.

Provide Only Relevant Experience

You should not feel compelled to list all of the professional nursing experience you have ever had.  Instead, only include your experiences that are specifically relevant to the position.  The ATS is screening for the information it finds most relevant to the job position so listing your experience that is not relevant will not be of much help.

When describing your relevant experience, make sure to use good keywords.

Include Important Educational Details

The goal of writing a resume that stands out with ATS is to keep it concise and easy to read.  When it comes to educational details, you only need to include the highlights such as the colleges you attended and the degrees you earned.  Additional details such as GPA and descriptions of your coursework may not be necessary.

Use Plain Formatting and Fonts

Your resume must be as easy to read and analyze as possible for the ATS.  Therefore, it is better to keep it simple when it comes to choosing fonts and formatting.  If you use a font that is difficult to read or complicated formatting, the AI will have a more difficult time scanning for your relevant skills and experience.  The best strategy here is to keep it simple.

Use AI with Caution

While a resume that is well-written by a human is generally preferred, you can write a successful resume with the help of AI.  One way AI can be useful is by helping you better articulate your skills and experiences by suggesting more impactful language.  You can also use AI tools to analyze the job description and identify the skills and keywords included in the description.

We will cover how to use AI to help create your resume in more detail in the following sections.

What is an AI Resume Builder?

If you want to use AI to help you write a better resume, there are AI resume builders available that can help.  AI resume builders can scan, analyze, and optimize your resume and offer suggestions related to content, phrasing, and formatting that will make your resume more effective.

Benefits of Writing Nursing Resumes with AI

Using AI to help with the creation of your nursing resume helps ensure that your resume stands out to the ATS as well as the human recruiter.  The following are the main ways using AI can benefit your nursing resume:

  • Specific recommendations: AI can scan job descriptions and find the most relevant nursing jobs based on your resume.
  • Optimization for ATS: As discussed above, more hospitals and healthcare institutions are using ATS to screen resumes and find relevant candidates. You can use AI to identify the most relevant keywords in a job description so you can optimize your resume with these keywords.
  • Formatting and design: AI tools can help create a format and design that improves the appearance of your resume and appeals to the ATS.

How to Use AI Resume Builders for Your Nursing Resume

If you have decided to use an AI resume builder to help with your nursing resume, following these steps will help ensure that your resume is optimized for ATS:

  • Use a trusted AI resume builder: Do some research to see which AI resume builders are the most trusted and use one that is reputable.
  • Provide comprehensive information: Provide as much useful information as possible including your qualifications, skills, experience, and anything else relevant to the position.
  • Review and edit: Always review your resume after using AI to edit sections from the AI that don’t sound natural and to personalize it to make it unique.

When using AI, it is important to make sure the information it puts into your resume is honest and accurate.  AI tools should not be used to write your entire resume, but instead should be used to help you enhance your resume.  A resume written by you that includes your narrative will always be more impactful than resumes written entirely using AI.

JobGraze Implements Generative AI For Nurse Hiring

Nurses who turn to platforms such as JobGraze to apply for nursing jobs can expect to have their resumes scanned with ATS.  This makes it important for job seekers to optimize their resumes for the positions they are applying for so the ATS will evaluate their resumes and match them to the positions that are most relevant to their skills and experience.  Following the steps outlined above will help you create a more effective resume that appeals to ATS and recruiters and increases your chances of landing a job.

At JobGraze, our platform uses AI algorithms to match those seeking nursing jobs to relevant job openings based on their experience, qualifications, preferences, skills, and desired company culture.  Our system works quickly to identify the most qualified candidates and match them to the most relevant open positions.  Building your resume so that it is optimized for our AI algorithms will ensure that your resume does not go unnoticed.

Find Nurse Jobs on JobGraze

JobGraze is your go-to platform for discovering and applying for a variety of nursing positions that match your qualifications and career aspirations. From LPN and RN jobs to nurse practitioner roles, telehealth positions, and international opportunities, JobGraze offers a diversified listing. The platform offers an intuitive interface that allows you to connect directly with potential employers, ensuring a seamless job search experience.

Are you ready to take your nursing career to the next level? Start searching and apply for your dream job now on JobGraze! Begin your search with our job listings.


By Urmila Sharma

Urmila Sharma, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, has had an incredible journey from a quiet village in New Delhi to becoming the Chief Healthcare Officer at JobGraze. Born and raised in a small village, Urmila always had a passion for helping others. Her brothers encouraged her to pursue nursing. In 2004, Urmila got the chance to work as a nurse in the United States. Moving there wasn't easy, but she worked hard to adapt to a new healthcare system. With support from her employer, she learned all about American nursing practices. Urmila's career flourished over the years. She even earned a Nurse Practitioner degree in 2017. Now, she inspires others, especially nurses interested in working abroad. At JobGraze, she helps connect healthcare workers from around the world. Urmila's story shows that with determination, you can achieve your dreams. Today, she continues to make a difference as a Nurse Practitioner in Diabetes at Sarasota Memorial Hospital.