Which Nursing Career is Best: Telehealth vs. In-Person Care?

telehealth vs in-person care

It is natural to want the best possible healthcare for yourself and your family, whether visiting the doctor for a checkup or dealing with an injury or illness.  Traditionally, people would make an in-person visit to see the nurses and doctor in their office.  However, the rise of telehealth, especially during the pandemic, has changed the way people can receive healthcare.  Patients can now get consultations, diagnoses, and treatments without leaving their home.

Telehealth gives patients the option to visit with nurses and doctors at home and more healthcare facilities are adopting a hybrid model that includes in-person care and telehealth visits.  It is important for patients to understand the difference between telehealth and in-person care as well as when each type of visit is more appropriate.  In this guide, we discuss in-person care and telehealth, including the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as key differences.  We also cover what the important differences between telehealth and in-person care mean from a healthcare provider’s perspective.  It is beneficial for doctors, patients, and telehealth nurses to have a complete grasp on how telehealth and in-person care differ.

Furthermore, we’ll also touch upon how these differences can influence nursing career paths in the evolving landscape of healthcare delivery.

What is In-Person Care?

In-person care is what we know as traditional healthcare that involves a visit to the healthcare provider and face-to-face contact with the doctors and nurses.  Patients can get a physical examination and diagnosis in this setting and receive direct care and treatment.  The face-to-face interaction of in-person care creates a personal connection between the patient and healthcare provider and the patient can immediately experience the effects of their treatment. In clinical terms, in-person care is also referred to as “Direct Care”. A registered nurse’s career typically involves direct patient care.

What are the Benefits of In-Person Care?

In-person care has been the main way to receive healthcare since humans have sought out healthcare.  The following are the major benefits of in-person care:

What are the Disadvantages of In-Person Care?

While there are major benefits to in-person care, it is also important to understand the disadvantages:

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a relatively new development in healthcare in which patients can receive medical care through digital technologies and communication.  Patients can have virtual consultations, share medical information, and receive remote monitoring without visiting a clinic in person.

Through telehealth, patients can safely access healthcare via phone consultations, secure messaging applications, and video chats.  This is especially beneficial for those who live in remote or undeserved areas, as well as those who do not have reliable transportation.  The use of telehealth grew during the pandemic, and it allows patients to engage in real-time communication and get immediate medical treatment and monitoring.

What are the Benefits of Telehealth?

There are many benefits to telehealth, especially as it continues to be used and adapts to patient preferences and needs.  The following are the main benefits of telehealth:

What are the Disadvantages of Telehealth?

Telehealth does offer significant benefits, but there are also disadvantages of telehealth that are important to consider:

Key Differences Between In-Person Care and Telehealth

In-person care and telehealth services each have key differences in the way the patient accesses and receives health care.  The biggest differences are in the following areas:

Are Telehealth and Telemedicine the Same?

The terms telehealth and telemedicine are often used interchangeably, but they do not mean exactly the same thing.  Telehealth is a blanket term that describes all types of healthcare services administered via digital technology, which includes doctor visits, remote monitoring, checkups, and more.  Telemedicine is a type of telehealth in which specific services are provided to a patient via digital technology.  Telemedicine often involves medical care and does not include non-clinical services such as patient education which would be a type of service classified more broadly under telehealth.

How Do Telehealth Services Impact Healthcare Providers?

In-person care will always be a major part of what healthcare providers do, but many providers are incorporating telehealth and creating a hybrid model.  Like with patients, telehealth has its advantages and disadvantages for healthcare providers.

The following are the benefits of telehealth for healthcare providers:

Healthcare providers must also consider the following disadvantages of providing telehealth services:

What is the Better Career Option, Telehealth Nurse, or In-Person Care?

The better career option between telehealth nurse or in-person care provider depends on the preferences of the individual nurse.  Some may prefer telehealth nursing positions because they offer greater flexibility and work-life balance and allow nurses to reach more patients over a larger geographical area.  However, other nurses may prefer to provide more hands-on care and make deeper connections with their patients, which is more likely to be done with in-person care.

The bottom line is that telehealth nurses and nurses that provide in-person care are both needed.  Nurses interested in telehealth nursing positions should weigh the advantages and disadvantages compared to in-person care before pursuing telehealth nurse jobs.

What to Do If You’re a Nurse Interested in Telehealth?

Individuals interested in pursuing a career as a telehealth nurse in the United States should follow five essential steps. Begin by completing the necessary education and training to become a registered nurse through accredited programs. Gain experience and specialize in telehealth care roles within the virtual healthcare sector. It is crucial to also obtain hands-on experience in the desired field before transitioning to telehealth. Telehealth nurses typically require an L.P.N. or R.N. degree and one to two years of experience in their specialized area. Stay updated on developments in the telehealth field to seize opportunities for becoming a telehealth nurse.

  1. Earn Your BSN Degree
  2. Successfully clear the NCLEX-RN Exam.
  3. Submit an application for state nursing licensure.
  4. Gain Experience with In-person Nursing Care
  5. Create a compelling nurse resume
  6. Apply for telehealth jobs

Search Telehealth Nurse Jobs On JobGraze

If you are a nursing professional, including an RN, LPN, or nurse practitioner, and you are interested in the flexibility of a career in telehealth, JobGraze can help you find telehealth nursing positions.  JobGraze is a platform that allows nursing professionals to find jobs across the U.S., including telehealth nurse jobs.  Nursing candidates can simply create a profile and search our platform for virtual nurse jobs that meet their specifications.  You can bookmark your favorite nurse job listings and apply directly through our platform.  JobGraze also helps healthcare providers find and hire telehealth nurses who will make a great fit to their medical care team.

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