RN Inpatient Care Services Full Time 72 hours Night Shift


A Registered Nurse (RN) renders personal and professional care to patients. Uses a systematic approach to assess patient\u2019s needs, plan care, provide quality/direct care, coordination of care and evaluate care in an efficient, safe environment. The RN facilitates collaboration amongst a variety of disciplines in order to provide a unified and seamless approach to care delivery. This position is responsible for adhering to all standards of nursing practice, for promoting teamwork with physicians and personnel of other departments. Patient advocacy, patient safety, and improving health status are priorities when the RN develops the plan of care.

Roles Responsibility
Render personal and professional care to patients, Assess patient\u2019s needs, Plan care, Provide quality/direct care, Coordinate care, Evaluate care, Facilitate collaboration amongst disciplines, Promote teamwork, Patient advocacy, Patient safety, Improve health status, Develop plan of care
Desired Qualification
BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Full Time
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